HC Deb 28 November 1956 vol 561 c48W
Mr. Dugdale

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what charges for beds are made in Government hospitals in Fiji; for how long a time they have been made; and what arrangements exist for patients who are unable to pay.

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

The following charges are made for in-patient accommodation and maintenance:

£ s. d. (Fijian)
Private ward—single bed 1 10 0 per day
Private ward—two beds 1 0 0 per day
Semi-private ward 0 15 0 per day
General paying ward 0 10 0 per day
Obstetric annex 0 5 0 per day
(NOTE.—£F111 =£100 Sterling.)

No charge is made for maintenance in general wards.

The above charges were standardised in December, 1955. Charges were introduced at different dates at the various hospitals, but some have been payable since 1884.

The medical officer in charge of any public hospital is empowered by law to remit the whole or part of any charge where the patient is unable to pay by reason of poverty. At the main hospital in Suva the officer in charge is assisted in this by an Almoner.

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