HC Deb 26 November 1956 vol 561 cc13-5W
75. Mr. Moss

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power what he anticipates Britain's oil requirements will be over a future period of twelve months; what proportion of these requirements will be met; and from what sources.

Mr. Aubrey Jones

On a normal basis of consumption oil requirements in 1957 were expected to be about 29 million tons, excluding exports and bunkers. At present I am unable to estimate the likely deficiency or to say from what sources supplies will be obtained.

81. Mr. du Cann

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power what allowance will be made to driving schools in his proposed scheme of petrol rationing.

Mr. Aubrey Jones

The basic ration will be available for all driving school cars. In addition, regional petroleum officers will issue supplementary allowances on application.

83. Mr. du Cann

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power whether he will take action, similar to that taken by the French Government on 12th November, to restrict the sale of high octane petrol, bearing in mind that this would result in substantial economies in the use of petroleum products.

Mr. Aubrey Jones

The oil companies have agreed to discontinue the sale of 100 octane grade petrol when existing stocks are exhausted.

85. Mr. J. Taylor

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power if, in view of the need to obtain the maximum production of fuel oil from home sources, he will consult with the Scottish shale oil industry to discover to what extent its present production of fuel oil can be immediately increased.

Mr. Aubrey Jones

The company informs me that the throughput of the industry is already at a maximum and could not be increased without large-scale reorganisation which would take several years to carry out.

87. Mr. Beswick

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power to what extent supplies of aviation fuel are affected by the present emergency; and if there will be a rationing system for civil or military aircraft.

Mr. Aubrey Jones

Stocks of aviation fuel are good. The R.A.F. and the Ministry of Supply are arranging to reduce consumption, but deliveries to civil airlines are not at present being cut.

89. Mr. Moss

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power what steps he will take to minimise British dependence upon the Middle East for supplies of oil.

Mr. Aubrey Jones

British oil companies are developing sources of supply in many countries outside the Middle East, and they and other interests are actively searching for new sources in areas where oil has not yet been proved.

Mr. Lewis

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power what is the additional cost of the oil supplies having to be shipped around the Cape of Good Hope instead of through the Suez Canal.

Mr. Aubrey Jones

Although they cannot yet be accurately estimated the additional freight costs of shipping oil around the Cape of Good Hope may be of the order of £2 a ton.

Dr. D. Johnson

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power what arrangements he is making for petrol supplies to be available to overseas visitors to this country, in particular those from dollar areas.

Mr. Aubrey Jones

Arrangements for providing overseas visitors with petrol coupons are now being considered and will be announced as soon as possible.