HC Deb 18 May 1956 vol 552 cc209-10W
Mr. Owen

asked the Minister of Health if he is aware that Northgate and District Hospital, Morpeth, has been requested by the regional psychiatrist of the Newcastle Regional Hospital Board to give admission priority to seven mentally defective patients from Her Majesty's Prison, Durham; that the medical superintendent of Northgate Hospital is not able to do this as his workshops are already overcrowded, and with the loss of the farm he is not able to provide the necessary training; and what capital provision is being made in the present year to assist Northgate and District Hospital to expand its workshops and secure land for occupational services.

Mr. Turton

The seven patients have been placed on the joint waiting list for all the mental deficiency hospitals in the Newcastle Region—not on that for Northgate Hospital alone. The Regional Hospital Board has made no special provision for workshops at Northgate Hospital in the current year, but I do not consider that there is any present need to acquire further land there for occupational purposes as the hospital has 100 acres of land including 8½ acres of market gardens and St. George's Hospital, which is very close by, has 243 acres, including a farm and market gardens.