HC Deb 18 May 1956 vol 552 cc204-5W
Mr. Mahon

asked the Minister of Education what percentages of pupils are receiving education in grammar, technical and modern schools in the County of Lancashire, the City of Liverpool, and the County Borough of Bootle, respectively.

Sir D. Eccles

The approximate percentages are as follows:

Primary (all ages) Secondary modern Secondary grammar Secondary technical
Bootle C.B. 79 21
Liverpool C.B. 21 59 14 6
Lancashire A.C. 17 56 22 5
Note: Figures for thirteen year-olds are given because, except in the case of pupils at secondary technical schools, no others are available. Bootle has a secondary technical school which admits pupils at thirteen, and the percentage of fourteen year-olds in secondary technical schools was five in Bootle, seven in Liverpool and five in Lancashire.

Mr. Mahon

asked the Minister of Education how many children were awarded places in grammar schools, technical schools or grammar technical schools, respectively, in the City of Liverpool and the County Borough of Bootle, respectively, in the years 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, and 1955; how many grammar and technical places are available in these areas in 1956; if he will give details of further grammar and technical educational provision now in course of building, and to be completed in the next five years, in the Lancashire County, the City of Liverpool and the County Borough of Bootle areas, respectively; and if he will receive representations about the adequacy of provision from educational authorities in any of the areas mentioned.

Sir D. Eccles

I am writing to the hon. Member.

Mr. Mahon

asked the Minister of Education how many children in the City of Liverpool and the County Borough of Bootle, respectively, are receiving grammar school, or technical school education; and how many of these pupils are occupying grammar or technical places in the Lancashire county area.

Sir D. Eccles

In January, 1955, 10,524 pupils who lived in Liverpool and 1,209 who lived in Bootle were receiving grammar or technical education in maintained schools. Of these thirty-three and eight respectively were at schools maintained by the Lancashire local education authority.