§ Major Legge-Bourkeasked the Secretary to the Treasury if he will arrange for Her Majesty's Stationery Office to publish periodically a directory of the members of all consultative committees and consumers' councils established for the nationalised industries, showing their respective periods of appointment and remuneration.
§ Mr. H. BrookeI do not think the preparation of such a directory would be justified by the use likely to be made of it, as the membership of these committees and councils is already published in the Press and in the annual reports of these 137W committees and councils or of the nationalised industries concerned. It is also readily supplied by the relevant Ministry to any inquirer.
Appointments are normally made up to a maximum period of five years. In most cases members receive no remuneration, but are granted travelling and subsistence allowances at the same rates as members of Government committees.
— Five years or less Over five but less than 15 years Over 15 years Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. From 1st April to 8th July, 1955 … 3⅛ 3¾ 4 From 9th July to 12th August, 1955 … 3¾ 4¼ 4¼ From 13th August to 6th September, 1955 … 4⅛ 4½ 4½ From 7th September, 1955 to 13th January, 1956 … 4½ 5 5 From 14th January to 23rd March, 1956 … 5½ 5⅜ 5¼ From 24th March to 22nd June, 1956 … 5⅝ 5½ 5½ From 23rd June to the present time … 5¼ 5½ 5½ For loans for any period up to 50 years to housing associations as defined by the Housing Act, 1936, and the Housing (Scotland) Act, 1950, for loans for any period up to 40 years under the Housing Acts to companies and private persons limiting their profits to the rate for the time being prescribed, and for loans for any period up to 50 years under the Harbours and Passing Tolls, etc., Act, 1861, will collateral security, the rates charged have been the same as those currently charged to local authorities for loans for periods of more than 15 years.
For loans for any period up to 40 years under the Housing Acts to companies and private persons not limiting their profits, for loans for any period up to 50 years under the Harbours and Passing Tolls, etc., Act, 1861, without collateral security, and for all other loans for any period, the rates charged have been ¼ per cent. more than those currently charged to local authorities for loans for periods of more than 15 years.
§ Mr. Mitchisonasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what total amounts have been issued under the Public Works Loans Act, 1955, up to 31st March, 1956, and, since then, up to the latest convenient date; and how much of those amounts has been borrowed, respectively, for education, for public health, for housing, for other local authority purposes, and for repayment of maturing debt.