HC Deb 04 December 1956 vol 561 cc115-6W
Mr. Brockway

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations the number of co-operatives in each of the three High Commission Territories; and what encouragement has been given to the formation of co-operatives by the United Kingdom Government in each of the Territories.

Lord John Hope

The numbers are: Basutoland: 47, Bechuanaland Protectorate: None, and Swaziland: 2.

In October, 1955, the Adviser to the Secretary of State for the Colonies on Co-operation visited Basutoland and Swaziland and gave valuable advice on the further development of co-operatives. As a result of this visit the expansion of the Co-operative Societies Department in Basutoland is under consideration. For Bechuanaland he advised that a marketing rather than a co-operative organisation was required, and this is under examination. In Swaziland the desirability of encouraging the development of co-operative societies is recognised, but this will require an increase in staff which cannot be provided at present.