HC Deb 28 November 1955 vol 546 cc166-7W
74. Captain Kerby

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he will state the exact sums paid out of public funds by the Foreign Office, in the one case in the form of a financial settlement and in the other as a gratuity, to the two Foreign Office/Service officials who were asked and permitted to resign, respectively, from Her Majesty's Service as a result of the inquiries instituted following the escape of Messrs. Maclean and Burgess.

Mr. Turton

As I stated on 21st November, in answer to another Question by my hon. and gallant Friend, the Foreign Service officer who was permitted to resign did so not as a result of the inquiries but only because of his relationship to one of the persons involved.

It is not customary to reveal the amount paid to individual officers upon the termination of their services and I am not prepared to do so in these two cases.

75. Captain Kerby

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he will cause to be printed in the OFFICIAL REPORT the exact terms of engagement under which a Foreign Office/Service officer, who was asked to resign from Her Majesty's Service in consequence of inquiries into the Maclean-Burgess affair, was enabled, and in accordance with the terms of this engagement, to receive from the Foreign Office a financial settlement out of public funds; and how many Foreign Office service officers are at present serving on similar terms of engagement which, in the event of their being asked to resign from Her Majesty's Service, would entitle them to financial settlements out of public funds.

Mr. Turton

I am not prepared to meet either of these requests.