HL Deb 10 November 1955 vol 194 cc491-2WA

asked Her Majesty's Government what projects of the Scottish Hydro-Electric Board are at present under construction and by what date will these be in operation and at what financial cost and, further, what other

No. Scheme Date of Commissioning Estimated Cost£'000
2 Tummel-Garry and Gairloch (3 power stations in operation). From 1955 to 1956 for station not yet in operation 6,450
2A Tummel-Garry Amendments 1957 102
12 Shira (one power station in operation) 1956 for station not yet in operation 3,150
13 Storr Lochs (power station in operation) 1956 for remainder of plant in station 250
16 Glascarnoch-Luichart-Torr Achilty (2 power stations in operation). From 1955 to 1957 for stations not yet in operation 8,700
18 Lawers. From 1955 to 1956 2,850
23 Moriston From 1956 to 1958 13,000
23A Moriston Amendments
24 Garry From 1955 to 1956 4,850
25 Breadalbane From 1957 to 1960 21,500
25A Breadalbane Amendments
27 Allt-na-Lairige 1956 620
29 Orrin 1959 4,550
32 Shin From 1957 to 1959 8,800
61 Kilmelfort 1956 458
68 Lussa Extension 1956 310
69 Cowal Extension 1956 350

No. Scheme Estimated Cost£'000
26 Mucomir 375
34 Gisla 210
35 Loch Chliostair 270
71 Loch Glashan 1,300

31 Tummel Valley Additions 1,340
1. Schemes on which works are completed or virtually completed are not included in the Tables.
2. With the exceptions of Moriston and Breadalbane the costs given in the Tables are the estimates given in the Schemes published and presented to Parliament.
3. The costs given for Moriston and Breadalbane are the estimates given in the White Papers published when amending Schemes were presented to Parliament.
4. The costs given in the published Schemes are likely to be considerably exceeded before the projects are completed as a result of rises in costs since the estimates were made.
5. Where the stations in a project will come into operation at different times the date of commissioning is given as over a period.
6. The date at which work will commence on schemes that have not yet started is being considered in connection with the Government's capital investment policy.
House adjourned at one minute past four o'clock.

Schemes are projected for which sanction has been obtained and when it is proposed that work should be commenced and by what date is it anticipated that each will be completed and at what estimated cost.


The information requested is given in the following tables: