HC Deb 15 March 1955 vol 538 cc113-4W
Mr. J. Johnson

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what schemes of economic and social advancement are contemplated for the Colony of British Somaliland: and what funds of colonial development and welfare have been allocated for this purpose.

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

The principal schemes of first priority in British Somaliland's provisional development programme for the period 1955–60, and

the Governor's estimate of their cost are as follows:

Date cultivation 32,200
Yemeni farms 3,700
Experimental farms 3,500
Purchase of tractor 2,200
Agricultural credit scheme 2,000
Hydrological survey 36,000
Irrigation and soil conservation projects 88,000
Animal husbandry
Grazing control 36,500
Improvement of hides and skins 11.800
Abattoir 30,000
Other natural resources
Urban and rural water supplies 250,000
Forestry 36,500
Fisheries 12,700
Government gum warehouse 16,500
Geological survey 39,000
Social services
Technical education 33,000
Scholarships abroad 30,000
Other post-primary education 52,600
Development of Berbera port £200,000

I hope soon to be able to announce the amount of assistance from colonial development and welfare funds that can be made available to the Protectorate during the period 1955–60.