§ Mr. Ian Harveyasked the Secretary of State for War to place in the Vote Office a table of recruiting figures such as was made available in 1954.
§ Mr. HeadThe figures are now in the Vote Office.
Rum: Imports United Kingdom imports of rum (including high-strength cane spirit), according to the countries of consignment were: Proof gallons Country whence consigned 1938 1947 1951 1954 Imported in casks and bottles Imported in steel drums Jamaica 795,622 2,734,428 2,122,009 522,292 — Barbados 12,395 755,097 512,144 24,788 — Trinidad and Tobago 76,690 677,086 1,402,388 156,128 19,356 Other British West Indies 21,323 3,438 66,772 6 — British Guiana 770,023 1,188,338 1,448,818 1,104,192 — South Africa 18,963 1,220,857 1,385,687 10,041 — Mauritius 28,531 1.539,723 2,678,585 — 1,811 Other Commonwealth countries 1 493 5,882 8,149 — Foreign countries 14,175 429 5,077 1,648 — Total 1,737,723 8,119,889 9,627,362 1,827,244 21,167
In 1954, the rum recorded as imported in steel drums may be taken to have been high-strength cane spirit. In the earlier years, the imports of high-strength cane spirit are not separately distinguished in the Trade Accounts.
RUM: CONSUMPTION AND BONDED STOCKS The quantities of rum entered for home consumption and the quantities remaining in stock in bonded warehouses were: Proof gallons Year Entered for consumption on payment of duty at full or preferential rates Delivered for methylation for use in arts or manufactures, or for redistillation In stock in bonded warehouses on 31st December 1938 … … 552,942 Nil 5,140,188 1947 … … 3,610,259 2,182,049 5,134,939 1951 … … 1,694,244 5,111,855 12,966,049 1954 … … 1,309,165 767,166 9 257,000 (a) (a) Partly estimated.
The quantities of rum entered for consumption on payment of duty include not only withdrawals from bonded warehouse but also small quantities delivered direct from the ship; they also include small quantities of "imitation rum". Deliveries of high-strength cane spirit are not separately recorded as such, but are included in the quantities of rum delivered for methylation, for use in arts or manufactures, or for redistillation. The quantities of rum in stock in bonded warehouse include high-strength cane spirit, which is not separately distinguished.