§ 87. Mr. Callaghanasked the First Lord of the Admiralty on what terms the Royal Navy has the use of the Simonstown Naval Base; what is its annual cost; and what is the Government's policy about its future.
§ Commander NobleThe freehold of the greater part of the Simonstown base is held by the Union of South Africa Government, which has given the Admiralty the use of it so long as required for the purposes of the Royal Navy. The United Kingdom has no territorial jurisdiction at Simonstown or over any of the outlying properties which together comprise the base. The annual cost of the base is of the order of £500,000. Naval defence in the South Atlantic area, including the continued use by both the Royal Navy and the South African Navy of the naval facilities at Simonstown, is among the matters now under discussion in London with the Minister of Defence of the Union Government.