HC Deb 26 April 1955 vol 540 c49W
Sir R. Clarke

asked the Minister of Labour the number of working days lost by stoppages in the coal-mining industry during January and February, 1955; how these figures compare with comparable ones for 1954; and what proportion, expressed as a percentage, these figures represent to those for all industrial groups stoppages during the same periods.

Mr. Watkinson:

I assume that the question refers to stoppages of work caused by industrial disputes. The number of working days lost in the coalmining industry by workpeople involved in such stoppages was about 144,000 in January and February, 1955, compared with about 81,000 in January and February, 1954. These figures represent about 58 per cent. and about 31 per cent., respectively, of the total number of working days lost through such stoppages in all industries in these same periods.

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