HC Deb 23 November 1954 vol 533 cc106-7W
63. Sir D. Robertson

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland to state the average waiting time in each of the hospital areas in Scotland before tuberculous patients who have been advised and are willing to undergo an operation for re-section of ribs, are admitted to hospital and operated on.

Mr. J. Stuart

I regret that comparable figures for different areas are not available.

72. Mr. John MacLeod

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many names are on the waiting list for ear, nose and throat operations in the Northern Regional Hospitals Board area at the present time.

Mr. J. Stuart

At 31st October, the number was 1,059. This included 623 names for removal of tonsils, a procedure at present suspended in the Inverness area because of the incidence of poliomyelitis.

73. Mr. John MacLeod

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what action he proposes to take to speed up the admission to hospital of those patients who have been a long time on the waiting lists both for thoracic surgery and other complaints such as ear, nose and throat operations.

Mr. J. Stuart

It is the constant object of hospital authorities to reduce waiting lists by making more efficient use of existing facilities, and by adding to these facilities so far as available resources permit. The relative importance of competing claims for additional facilities can best be assessed by Regional Hospital Boards, in the light of medical opinion and their intimate knowledge of local needs and conditions.