HC Deb 17 November 1954 vol 533 cc42-3W
93. Mr. Chapman

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General if he will publish in the OFFICIAL REPORT the financial and other interests declared by his appointees to the Independent Television Authority when, under Section 1 (7) of the Television Act, he asked them for information on which he could satisfy himself that they had no such interest as was likely to affect prejudicially the discharge of their functions.

Mr. Gammans

No. The Act places on my noble Friend the responsibility for satisfying himself that members of the Authority will have no financial or other interest likely to affect prejudicially the discharge of their functions as members of the Authority. As regards the present members of the Authority, he was so satisfied as the result of the inquiries he made before appointing them.

94. Mr. Chapman

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General whether, under Section 1 (4) of the Television Act, he will dismiss Miss Dilys Powell from membership of the Independent Television Authority, on the ground that her employment by Kemsley Newspapers, which is a main participant in a programme company selected by the Independent Television Authority, prohibits her, under Section 1 (7) of the Act, from holding office.

Mr. Gammans

No. My noble Friend is completely satisfied that Miss Powell's employment as film critic of the "Sunday Times" has not affected prejudicially the discharge of her functions as a member of the Authority. The Act lays on my noble Friend the continuing duty to satisfy himself that no member of the Authority has any such prejudicial interest, and he will, of course, fully observe his responsibilities in that regard.

100. Mr. Wyatt

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General what moneys have so far been advanced, and out of what Government funds, to the Independent Television Authority.

Mr. Gammans

£50,000, out of the Consolidated Fund, under Section 12 of the Television Act.