HC Deb 09 March 1954 vol 524 c129W
Mr. Lewis

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government whom he has recently appointed as chairman of the Basildon Development Corporation; whether this is a full- or part-time appointment; what salary and expenses are to be paid; and whether the chairman will have to meet the cost of his postage, telephones and telegrams, stationery, secretarial assistance and office accommodation, travelling and other expenses necessary to carry out this job from the salary paid.

Mr. H. Macmillan

I have appointed Lieut.-General Sir Humfrey Gale, K.B.E.. C.B., C.V.O., M.C. The appointment is a part-time one and the salary is £1,500 per annum. Reasonable expenses incurred by the chairman in carrying out his functions will be paid from the corporation funds.