HC Deb 18 February 1954 vol 523 cc227-8W
Lieut.-Colonel Bromley-Davenport

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what organisations he has now been able to consult with regard to the recommendations of the Gowers Committee Report; when he expects to have completed consultations with interested organisations; and when he intends to introduce legislation to deal with the recommendations.

Sir D. Maxwell Fyfe

I assume that my hon. and gallant Friend has in mind the Gowers Committee's recommendations on health, welfare and safety in non-industrial employment. Below is a list of the organisations to which have been circulated the tentative proposals for legislation for which my Department is responsible.

As regards the second and third parts of the Question, I would refer my hon. and gallant Friend to the answers which I gave on 16th February to the hon. Member for Cardiff, West (Mr. G. Thomas) and on 12th November to the hon. Member for Ogmore (Mr. Padley) and other hon. Members.

  • Trades Union Congress.
  • Accident Offices Association.
  • Association of British Chambers of Commerce.
  • British Bankers Association.
  • British Employers Association.
  • Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors.
  • Life Offices Association.
  • National Chamber of Trade.
  • Bank of England.
  • Co-operative Union Limited.
  • Coal Merchants Federation of Great Britain.
  • Company Chemists Association Limited.
  • Incorporated Guild of Hairdressers, Wig Makers and Perfumers.
  • 228
  • National Association of British Market Authorities.
  • National Association of Corn and Agriculture Merchants.
  • Wholesale Footwear Distributors' Association. National Federation of Fruit and Potato Traders Limited.
  • National Federation of Grocers and Provision Dealers Association.
  • National Federation of Hide and Skin Merchants.
  • National Federation of Inland Wholesale Fish Merchants.
  • National Federation of Wholesale Grocers and Provision Merchants.
  • National Hairdressers Federation.
  • National Market Traders Federation.
  • Retail Distributive Trades Conference (Employers' Side).
  • Retail Distributors Association Incorporated.
  • Wholesale Textile Association.
  • Association of London Clubs.
  • British Federation of Hotels and Boarding House Associations.
  • British Hotels and Restaurants Association.
  • Caterers Association.
  • Industrial Catering Association.
  • Milk Bars Association.
  • National Caterers Federation
  • National Consultative Council of the Retail Liquor Trade.
  • Cinematograph Exhibitors Association.
  • Theatres National Committee.
  • Motor Agents Association
  • Municipal Passenger Transport Association.
  • Passenger Vehicles Operatives Association.
  • Public Transport Association.
  • Road Haulage Association.
  • Traders Road Transport Association.
  • British Dental Association.
  • British Electricity Authority.
  • British European Airways Corporation.
  • British Overseas Airways Corporation.
  • British Transport Commission.
  • Gas Council.
  • Iron and Steel Corporation of Great Britain.
  • National Coal Board.
  • Association of Municipal Corporations.
  • County Councils Association.
  • Institute of Shops Acts Administration.
  • London County Council.
  • Metropolitan Boroughs Standing Joint Committee.
  • Rural District Councils Association.
  • Sanitary Inspectors Association.
  • Society of Medical Officers of Health.
  • Urban District Councils Association.
  • Institute of Weights and Measures Administration.
  • National Association of Local Government Officers.
  • Municipal Passenger Transport Association.
  • Royal College of Nursing (Public Health Section).
  • National Council of Women of Great Britain.
  • Office Management Association.
  • Medical Practitioners Union.
  • Railway Shopmen's National Council.
  • Municipal Guild.
  • National Union of General and Municipal Workers.
  • Joint Emergency Committee (Optical Profession).
  • Institute of Chartered Accountants.
  • Apparel and Fashion Industry's Association

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