HC Deb 11 February 1954 vol 523 c151W
60. Mr. Stokes

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he will state the site value of that part of Carlton House Terrace on which it is proposed to construct the new Foreign Office; and what steps he took to satisfy himself that this was comparable to the amount per acre paid for the nearest piece of land to it in recent years.

Sir T. Dugdale

As I said in reply to a Question by the right hon. Gentleman on 9th February, it is not possible to give the site value of any part of the Terrace. Her Majesty's Government have taken no steps to acquire the freehold from the Commissioners of Crown Lands and the second part of the Question does not therefore arise.

61. Mr. Stokes

asked the Minister of Agriculture what considerations led his Department to the conclusion that the redevelopment of Carlton House Terrace as a Foreign Office rather than as an area for hotels, flats and other commercial enterprises would be to the national advantage, especially having regard to the high site value and the dollars it might earn.

Sir T. Dugdale

The alternative uses of the site were considered in 1951 by the previous Government. I understand the conclusion reached was that use as high-class offices would be the most remunerative and give the best security. It was also felt that the property would be particularly suitable as a Foreign Office. No final plans have yet been submitted to the Commissioners of Crown Lands.