HC Deb 21 December 1954 vol 535 cc262-3W
Mr. Reid

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will make a statement setting out what gifts of money have been made or promised since the end of the First World War to each British Dependency or British Mandated Territory, including waiver of debts due by each of them, and by Burma; what is the total sum; and what addition to that total is contemplated at present.

Mr. R. A. Butler

The total value of all such gifts made or promised since 1920 is £529.7 million. Of this £107.3 million represents grants to Palestine and Transjordan between 1921–22 and 1949–50 and £55.4 million waivers of claims on Burma arising from the 1939–45 war. The remaining £367 million consists of gifts to Colonial Dependencies, etc. (excluding loans from the Consolidated Fund to the Colonial Development

Issued 1920 to 1953–54 Estimated 1954–55 Further amount promised Totals
£ £ £ £
Colonial Development and Welfare 104,233,042 18,000,000 48,435,958 170,669,000
Grants in aid of administration 38,729,029 2,413,348 41,142,377
Grants in aid of reconstruction and rehabilitation 6,970,884 1,344,000 725,362 9,040,246
Grants to Malta for war damage 20,492,000 2,651,718 6,856,282 30,000,000
Far East war damage compensation 20,816,667 20,816,667
Grants for internal security (Malaya, Africa, West Indies) 20,302,159 14,533,000 4,000,000 38,835,159
Cost of forces in Malaya 18,910,000 18,910,000
Food subsidies 2,567,000 2,567,000
Miscellaneous 9,834,456 1,469,269 443,750 11,747,475
TOTALS £ 242,855,237 40,411,335 60,461,352 343,727,924
Claims Waived
Loans written off under Colonial Development and Welfare Act 1940 10,150,000 10,150 000
Cost of military administration in Far East 10,000,000 10 000,000
Defence expenditure in Fiji 2,068,000 2,068,000
Cancellation of North Borneo commitments for period prior to 31st December, 1946 1,095,000 1,095,000
TOTALS £ 23,313,000 23,313,000
GRAND TOTALS £ 266,168,237 40,411,335 60,461,352 367,040,924