HC Deb 14 December 1954 vol 535 cc128-9W
Sir E. Errington

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether, with regard to the recent social survey made by the Central Office of Information on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture in regard to poultry and pig keeping, he will state the number of forms sent out, on what basis they were distributed, the number returned, how many reminders were sent, and the overall cost of the whole operation.

Mr. H. Brooke

Nine thousand six hundred forms were sent out by post to a geographically representative sample of heads of households in England and Wales. So far, 7,800 replies have been received; reminders were sent to approximately half the original sample, and replies are still coming in. The second stage of the inquiry, which is now in progress, involves interviews with a 1,000 of the sample who have not sent a reply. The total estimated cost of the whole operation is £3,000.