HC Deb 24 March 1953 vol 513 c78W
Mr. John Hall

asked the Secretary of State for War how far the introduction of the Centurion Tank will call for changes in the type of load-carrying capacity of existing bridging equipment and the war establishments of bridging units; and what is the estimated additional cost in men, money and materials.

Mr. J. R. H. Hutchison

The introduction of the Centurion tank necessitated various modifications to the normal Bailey Bridge equipment which was used so successfully in the last war. These modifications involved widening the roadway of the bridge and increasing its load-carrying capacity by widening and strengthening existing transoms and decking and the provision of a few ancillary parts. The cost of conversion of the Army's bridging equipment, including war reserves, will be about £1,650,000. No increase in engineer manpower or in vehicles is called for by this change.