HC Deb 30 July 1953 vol 518 cc177-8W
29. Mr. I. O. Thomas

asked the Minister of Education if she is aware that a survey by the Shropshire school medical officer of 297 schools in the county, excluding grammar schools and technical colleges, shows that about 30 per cent. have unsatisfactory sanitary arrangements, 10.1 per cent. lack proper ventilation, 10.4 per cent. inadequate lighting, 13.1 per cent. inefficient heating, 8.8 per cent. no drainage, 11.5 per cent. lack drinking water, 12.5 per cent. lack washing water facilities, 18.5 per cent. have no cloakrooms, 67.7 per cent. cannot dry clothes and boots and 15.5 per cent. have no playgrounds; and what steps she is taking to deal with these conditions.

Miss Horsbrugh

I have seen this survey and note that it also records improvements between 1951 and 1952 in almost all the conditions mentioned by the hon. Member. At the authority's request I recently increased by £10,000 their allocation for minor capital works for the financial year 1953–54 to enable them to carry out further improvements, especially to the sanitary facilities of their schools.

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