HC Deb 29 July 1953 vol 518 c152W
67. Mr. Baird

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if the Soviet Government has agreed to pay compensation to the widow of Flight Lieutenant Wyles, who was shot down over Germany by Soviet aircraft.

70. Brigadier Medlicott

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if any assurances have yet been received from the Soviet Government that those responsible for the shooting down of the Royal Air Force Lincoln of Flying Training Command in the Hamburg-Berlin corridor on 12th March last, have been punished; and if he will now make a statement as to the reparation which is to be made to the families concerned for the loss which they sustained.

Mr. Nutting

No compensation has been offered by the Soviet Government, but Her Majesty's Government will continue to press them on this matter. No assurances have been given by the Soviet Government that action has been or will be taken against those responsible. I understand that immediate action was taken by the Air Ministry and the Ministry of Pensions to give financial assistance to the families who suffered loss.