HC Deb 29 October 1952 vol 505 cc220-1W
76. Mr. C. S. Taylor

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General what plans for television relay stations to improve reception in southern England have been submitted to him; and what action he proposes to take.

Mr. Gammans

Two applications for television rediffusion service have been received and two for radio boosters: the whole question of improving reception in fringe areas is under consideration as I indicated in my statement to the House on 22nd October.

77. Dr. Bennett

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General if he will make a special temporary arrangement for the relaying of television broadcasts to the great cities in the South of Hampshire in time for the Coronation; or whether he will allow some private firm to supply this satisfaction of the local public demand.

Sir I. Fraser

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General if he will give an assurance that any equipment capable of retransmitting television in the hands of commercial firms or the services will be brought into temporary use to extend the field of television reception at the time of the Coronation.

Brigadier Prior-Palmer

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General what improved facilities on television will be available to the South coast towns in time for the Coronation.

Brigadier Clarke

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General when he anticipates installing a permanent television station in the Isle of Wight.

Brigadier Clarke

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General if he will consider making temporary arrangements to relay television from the Isle of Wight so that people on the South coast may view the Coronation.

Mr. Gammans

I regret that I cannot go beyond my statement on 22nd October that the B.B.C. is proceeding to set up stations at Pontop Pike and Belfast, and is examining possible ways and means of improving service in fringe areas.