HC Deb 29 October 1952 vol 505 c217W
69 Mr. Lewis

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General if he will give a comprehensive list of postal, telegraphic and telephone charges made by his Department on 1st October, 1951, and at the latest convenient stated date.

Mr. Gammans

To give a comprehensive list of Post Office charges at any time would involve the reproduction of scores of pages of matter already published in the Post Office Guide and elsewhere and would be unjustifiable.

I would refer the hon. Member to Statutory Instrument No. 1377 of 1951 which increases certain call office and coin box charges, to page 23 of the Financial Statement (1952–53), to Statutory Instrument No. 557 of 1952 which amends the parcel post rates and to my statement regarding overseas telegraph rates made on 30th July last.