HC Deb 27 October 1952 vol 505 cc174-5W
90. Mr. Murray

asked the Minister of Food the number of efficient and fully equipped slaughterhouses in Great Britain; how far this figure falls short of the number required; and what steps he proposes to take to improve the present position.

Major Lloyd George

The Ministry is using some 600 slaughterhouses. They vary widely in standards and capacity and a detailed statistical appreciation of their efficiency is not practicable. So far as the capital investment programme permits, we are doing what we can to improve existing facilities and to press on with the completion of the Ministry programme of new building.

91. Mr. Murray

asked the Minister of Food whether he is acquainted with the wholesale method of slaughter of animals in the United States of America; and if he will give consideration to the abolition of some of the old fashioned methods of slaughter here and the adoption of the efficient methods now in operation in the United States of America.

Major Lloyd George

Factory abattoirs of the American type are not suited to the conditions of this country, but there is great scope for improvements in slaughtering methods. The Ministry of Food have given much study to this subject and the new slaughterhouses now being built are of modern lay-out, incorporate the most up-to-date equipment and compare very favourably with the methods in operation anywhere in the world.