HC Deb 09 May 1952 vol 500 c74W
Brigadier Rayner

asked the Prime Minister if he will give an assurance that where a Minister has ruled that prima facie a civil servant should not, because of Communist or Fascist associations, be employed in connection with work the nature of which is vital to the security of the State, the case will continue to be referred to three advisers before a final decision is taken.

The Prime Minister

Yes, under their existing terms of reference, which, for convenience, are set out below. I am also glad to say that the three advisers appointed by the last Government are willing to continue to serve, i.e., Sir Thomas Gardiner, G.B.E., K.C.B. (Chairman); Sir Frederick Leggett, C.B.; Mr. J. W. Bowen, C.B.E., J.P.

In addition, it has been arranged that Sir Maurice Holmes, G.B.E., K.C.B., who formerly served as one of the three advisers, should act in this capacity when one of the other advisers is unable to attend.

Terms of Reference

1. It has been stated that no one who is believed to be:

  1. (i) either a member of the Communist Party or of a Fascist organisation; or
  2. (ii) associated with either the Communist Party or a Fascist organisation in such a way as to raise legitimate doubts about his reliability;
is to be employed in connection with work the nature of which is vital to the security of the State.

2. You have been appointed to advise Ministers in any cases referred to you, whether in your opinion their prima fade ruling that a civil servant comes under (i) or (ii) above is or is not substantiated. The decision on what employment is to be regarded as involving "connection with work the nature of which is vital to the security of the State" is one not for you but for Ministers in charge of Departments.

3. Your functions do not extend beyond advising the Minister whether the prima facie case has or has not been substantiated. You are not concerned with the action which he may decide to take in relation to the matter.