HL Deb 01 May 1952 vol 176 cc596-8WA

asked Her Majesty's Government to state the amount or value of gold coin reported minted by the Bank of France and the United States of America respectively since January 1, 1947.


In the case of France, the annual reports of the Paris Mint so far available for the period in question do not show any minting of gold coin. It is however understood that the French Ministry of Finance recently announced that during the past six months the French Mint had minted some of the now demonetized 20 franc pieces.

In the case of the United States of America, the annual reports of the Direc- tor of the United States Mints for the years 1947–50 indicate that no gold was coined at any of the Mints in those years. It is understood that the minting of gold coin for domestic use in the U.S.A. is prohibited.

Her Majesty's Government have no other information.

House adjourned at twenty-five minutes past six o'clock.