HC Deb 20 March 1952 vol 497 c225W
78. Mr. Ede

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what changes have been made in the Home Office regional wireless service; by how many is the complement of wireless technicians and senior wireless technicians being reduced; and to what extent will police and fire officers now have to take over duties formerly performed by the displaced officers if a 24-hour service is to be maintained.

Sir D. Maxwell Fyfe

As part of the economy programme the 24-hour maintenance service provided by the regional wireless service has been replaced by a repair service operating for eight hours a day, including week-ends and public

Existing Fee Increased Fee
£ s. d. £
1. Naturalisation of an alien 15 0 0 20
2. Naturalisation of an alien and his wife, if they apply at the same time 17 0 0 22
3. Naturalisation of a British protected person 7 10 0 10
4. Naturalisation of a British protected person and his wife, it they apply at the same time 9 10 0 12
5. Registration of an alien minor or minor British protected person at the time when his parent is naturalised 10 0 1
6. Registration of a woman who is an alien or British protected person and who has been married to a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies 10 0 1
7. Registration of a declaration of intention to resume British nationality or of renunciation of citizenship of the United Kingdom and Colonies 10 0 1