HC Deb 12 March 1952 vol 497 cc135-6W
7. Major Beamish

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he has now had an opportunity to look into the problem created by the fact that an average of 1,500 new refugees from the Iron Curtain countries arrive in the free countries of Europe every month, but are not subject to international care; that some of these refugees are directly or indirectly encouraged to leave their own countries by the contents of British Broadcasting Corporation broadcasts; and what steps he proposes to take to deal with this matter.

Mr. Nutting

So far I have only been able to examine the position as regards arrivals from behind the Iron Curtain in Western Europe. These average about 340 a month; and provision for their care and maintenance is made by the authorities of the countries in which they arrive. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is responsible for protecting the interests of all refugees, and voluntary societies are also active in helping them. In addition there is a monthly influx of about 10,000 German citizens from East Germany, who are the responsibility of the German Federal Government.

As regards the second part of my hon. and gallant Friend's Question, I am not aware of specific efforts by the B.B.C. to encourage these people to become refugees, though doubtless many of them are influenced by the existence of greater freedom in the West. As regards the last part of the Question, we shall continue to watch the position carefully and shall always be ready to consider any concrete proposals.