HC Deb 16 June 1952 vol 502 cc57-8W
50. Mr. Hale

asked the Minister of Food, in terms of 1951 prices, the cost of importation of canned food in the first five months of 1951 and in the first five months of 1952, or if these figures are not available, to the most recent date in this year and the corresponding date in last year in respect of which figures are available.

Major Lloyd George

Imports of canned foods, identifiable as such in the Trade and Navigation Accounts, cost about £25 million in the first four months of this year as compared with £32 million in the corresponding period last year; but I regret that it is not possible to state what the value of this year's imports would have been at last year's prices.

Mr. McKay

asked the Minister of Food if he will now consider reintroducing the points rationing system to ensure a more equal distribution of tinned foods, which are becoming scarce, due to the restriction of imports.

Major Lloyd George

I would refer the hon. Member to the reply I gave to the hon. Members for Gravesend (Sir R. Acland) and Wandsworth, Central (Mr. Adams) on 21st November, 1951.