HC Deb 17 December 1952 vol 509 c223W
Mr. J. Morrison

asked the Minister of Agriculture if, now that he has reduced the paper returns for farmers, he will do the same for woodland owners both in regard to tracings as well as forms.

Sir T. Dugdale

Woodland owners are not required to make any returns similar to the agricultural returns made by farmers. Owners who have voluntarily entered into a Forestry Dedication Covenant or Agreement with the Forestry Commissioners, and receive grants accordingly, accept the obligation to prepare once a year simple records of planting, thinning, and clear felling done in accordance with the Plan of Operations, and to send a copy of each of the three forms and of the Plan of Operations to the Commission.

Owners requiring felling licences, small woods planting grants, or thinning grants are required to apply, normally in duplicate, on forms printed for the purpose, and to support their application with a map or tracing. These arrangements are the simplest possible consistent with efficient administration, and I have no reason to suppose that woodland owners find them onerous.