51. Colonel Clarkeasked the Minister of Transport if he is aware that the stretch of road A 272 between Dellney Avenue and Colwell Lane, going east from Haywards Heath, is a busy thoroughfare with several dangerous corners; and, in view of it also being a built-up area for the purpose of the Road Traffic Act, if he will make it subject to a 30 m.p.h. limit.
Mr. BraithwaiteThe East Sussex County Council applied for the re-imposition of the speed limit on part of this length of road in 1948, but it was not then considered to be justified. If circumstances have changed since then and the County Council make representations now about any part of the road, they will have my right hon. Friend's careful consideration. Work is now in hand on improving the bends in the road.
§ 55. Mr. Greyasked the Minister of Transport if he will consider affixing the 30 miles per hour sign to the first half-dozen lamp posts when entering a 30-mile per hour road, thus drawing them more to the attention of motorists where the limit is in force.
Mr. BraithwaiteThe beginning of each length of road subject to the general speed limit is marked by "30" signs on both sides of the road and I have no reason to believe that these do not provide adequate warning to drivers.