HC Deb 19 November 1951 vol 494 cc13-4W
Mr. Alport

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he can give any further information regarding the present position of the Russian-born wives of British subjects who have been prevented by the Russian authorities from joining their husbands in this country; and what action he proposes to take in this matter.

Mr. Nutting

No Russian-born wives of British subjects have been given permission to leave the Soviet Union since January, 1946. Of the 16 local nationals married to British husbands who did not receive Soviet passports before January, 1946, nine have had their marriages dissolved, four have disappeared, one has stated that she does not wish to leave the Soviet Union, one is living with her mother in Moscow and one is at the British Embassy where she is employed.

The question of persuading the Soviet Government to agree to these Russian-born wives leaving the Soviet Union is kept constantly in mind. While it cannot be said that there are any grounds for optimism, the matter will be taken up with the Soviet Government whenever appropriate opportunities occur.