HL Deb 03 May 1951 vol 171 cc736-8WA

asked His Majesty's Government whether they will furnish a list of members of this House who hold offices of profit under the Crown, other than members of His Majesty's Government, His Majesty's Household or members of the Armed Forces or Civil Service, and the designation of such offices.


The following members of this House appear to hold offices of profit under the Crown within the meaning of the Succession to the Crown Act, 1707. The list is as accurate as the substantial doubts about the interpretation of this term will allow.

  • M. Reading: Chairman, Central Valuation Board under Coal Industry Nationalisation Act, 1946.
  • E. Radnor: Forestry Commissioner.
  • E. Verulam: Member (part-time), North Thames Gas Board.
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  • E. Halsbury: Member, Advisory Council, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research.
  • E. Birkenhead: Steward of the Savoy Manor.
  • V. Falmouth: Member (part-time) South-Eastern Electricity Board.
  • V. Runciman of Doxford: Member, Air Transport Advisory Council.
  • V. Alanbrooke: Government Director, Anglo-Iranian Oil Company.
  • V. Hyndley: Chairman, National Coal Board.
  • L. Willoughby de Eresby: Lord Great Chamberlain.
  • L. Harlech: Chairman, Wheat Commission.
  • L. Rothschild: Chairman, Agricultural Research Council.
  • L. Elphinstone: Lord Clerk Register and Keeper of the Signet.
  • L. Terrington: Chairman, Air Transport Advisory Council; Member, National Arbitration Tribunal; Chairman of certain Wages Boards and Councils.
  • L. Stamp: Member, Biological Research Advisory Board, Scientific Advisory Council, Ministry of Supply.
  • L. Hankey: Member, Biological Research Advisory Board, Scientific Advisory Council, Ministry of Supply.
  • L. Nathan: *Member, General Medical Council.
  • L. Reith: Chairman, Colonial Development Corporation.
  • L. Latham: Chairman, London Transport Executive.
  • L. Moran: Chairman, Advisory Committee on Distinction Awards for Consultants, National Health Service
  • L. Piercy: Director, Bank of England.
  • L. Rusholme: Member, British Transport Commission.
  • L. Tedder: Deputy Chairman, British Broadcasting Corporation.
  • L. Inman: Church Commissioner.
  • L. Beveridge. Chairman, Ayclife and Peter-lee New Town Development Corporations.
  • L. Citrine: Chairman, British Electricity Authority.
  • L. Simon of Wythenshawe: Chairman, British Broadcasting Corpoŕation.

* S. 12 of the Medical Act, 1950, provides that a Member of the House of Commons shall not be disqualified if he does not receive fees for attendance as a member.

  • L. Crook: Chairman, National Dock Labour Board.
  • L. Robinson: Chairman. Forestry Commission.
  • L. Milverton: Member, Colonial Development Corporation
  • L. Douglas of Kirtleside: Chairman, British European Airways Corporation.
  • L. Braintree: Director, Bank of England.
  • L. Clydesmuir: Governor, British Broadcasting Corporation.
  • L. Williams: Member (part-time), London Transport Executive.
  • L. Adams: Member (part-time), North Thames Gas Board.
  • L. Lawson: Deputy Chairman, National Parks Commission.
  • L. Douglas of Barloch: Deputy Chairman, Corby New Town Development Corporation.
  • L. Hurcomb: Chairman, British Transport Commission.

In addition to the above, there are two Archbishops, twenty-four Bishops, nine Lords of Appeal in Ordinary, the Lord Chief Justice of England, the President of the Probate Divorce and Admiralty Division of the High Court of Justice and the Lord Chief Justice of Northern Ireland. It might be argued that some or all of these hold "offices of profit under the Crown," though Statutes other than the Succession of the Crown Act, 1707, govern their disqualification from sitting and voting in the House of Commons. The list does not include noble Lords who hold appointments entitling them to receive expenses, including compensation in respect of loss of remunerative time. Such expenses and compensation are seldom if ever claimed, and may not in any case constitute "profit." Noble Lords holding office on the Boards of the various socialised industries have been included in the list, although the Statutes under which they were appointed provide not that such office-holders are disqualified from membership of the House of Commons but that members of the House of Commons are disqualified from holding such offices.

House adjourned at twenty-seven minutes before seven o'clock.