HC Deb 05 March 1951 vol 485 c4W
63. Mr. Oliver

asked the Minister of Supply what steps are being taken to assist small firms to obtain a share of available metal in short supply; and in cases where works have to close down what machinery exists whereby such firms can be put into touch with larger undertakings doing a similar class of work and employed on Government contracts.

Mr. G. R. Strauss

We have made arrangements with the suppliers to see that applications from firms who need small quantities of metal essential to the production of engineering goods are dealt with sympathetically, subject of course to the terms of the recent Copper and Zinc (Prohibited Uses) Orders.

The Ministry's regional offices are always available to small firms who are in difficulties owing to shortages of supplies. In cases where unavoidable scarcities of metal may force firms to reduce or cease production, the regional offices have instructions to assist by putting the firms into touch with larger factories and with manufacturers holding main Government contracts who are likely to require additional capacity. There is close liaison between the regional controllers and the main firms and the former will do all in their power to assist in the placing of sub-contracting work with suitable smaller firms whose production has been, or is likely to be, affected by metals shortages.

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