§ 30. Mr. R. Harrisasked the Minister of Food if he will allow sweet coupons, issued to members of His Majesty's Forces for use at Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes in this country, to be exchangeable in all confectioners shops.
§ Mr. F. WilleyNo, because the administrative arrangements that would be needed would involve an unjustified use of manpower.
§ 87. Mr. Sorensenasked the Minister of Food if his attention has been given to complaints by wholesalers and retailers of confectionery that there is no control of imported fondant for the making of coconut ice and that these imports are adversely affecting the rationing system; and whether he proposes to take action to remove the cause of these complaints.
§ Mr. F. WilleyThe complaints in question are not specifically based on the importation of fondant, but we are looking into them and an announcement will be made as soon as the inquiries are completed.