HC Deb 06 December 1951 vol 494 cc276-7W
79. Mr. Erroll

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what progress has been made in the recruitment of men to the police force since the recent increases of pay.

Sir D. Maxwell Fyfe

A table of figures is given below. The main features are as follows. During the four months April-July, 1951, wastage exceeded recruitment in the county and borough forces by 441, and in the Metropolitan police force by 178. During the four months August-November, however, recruitment exceeded wastage by 1,027 and 50 respectively. The deficiences of strength in the county and borough forces have been reduced from 7,058 on 31st July to 6,061 on 30th November, and in the Metropolitan police force from 4,218 to 4,155. This is on the whole satisfactory progress although there is still a long way to go, particularly in the Metropolitan police force.

Following is the table:

Force Recruitment and wastage
April to July, 1951 August to November, 1951
Recruitment Wastage Increase (+)or decrease (-) Recruitment Wastage Increase (+) or decrease (-)
Counties, Cities and Boroughs 924 1,365 -441 1,888 861 +1,027
Metropolitan Police Force 227 405 -178 330 280 +50
Total 1,151 1,770 -619 2,218 1,141 +1,077
Force Establishments and strengths
As at 31st July, 1951 As at 30th November, 1951
Authorised establishments Actual strengths Deficiencies Authorised establishments Actual strengths Deficiencies
Counties, Cities and Boroughs 51,854 44,796 7,058 51,872 45,811 6,061
Metropolitan Police Force 19,714 15,496 4,218 19,685 15,530 4,155
Total 71,568 60,292 11,276* 71,557 61,341 10,216†
* Includes 291 seconded or serving overseas. † Includes 328 seconded or serving overseas.