HC Deb 05 December 1951 vol 494 cc267-8W
Mr. Ellis Smith

asked the President of the Board of Trade what action it is proposed to take on what is recommended in pages 39, 40, 41 and 42 of the Working Party's Report on Pottery.

Mr. P. Thorneycroft

I do not think that it would be in accordance with the spirit underlying the recommendations in the Report of the Working Party to attempt to set up a Pottery Development Council given the absence of any substantial measure of agreement between the employers and employees in the industry about this proposal. I will, however, consider, in consultation with the industry, any alternative suggestions which may be put to me on this matter.

Mr. Ellis Smith

asked the President of the Board of Trade what action has been taken on each of the principal recommendations contained in the Working Party's Report on Pottery; what further action is required; and what are the principal difficulties now facing the industry.

Mr. P. Thorneycroft

As the hon. Member is aware, the majority of the recommendations were matters for action by the British Pottery Manufacturers' Federation or by individual pottery manufacturers, but the Board of Trade will continue to give its support so far as is possible to proposals for the development of the industry.

The following is a summary of the position in respect of those recommendations of the Working Party on pottery which are the concern of the Board of Trade: A total of over £3.8 million worth of building has been licensed since 1945 and of this about £3.25 million has been completed. About 150 tunnel kilns have been installed, together with much other modern equipment. (Recommendation 1.) The law relating to depreciation allowances on buildings, plant and machinery for taxation purposes has since been amended in certain respects by subsequent Finance Acts. The subject of depreciation is one of the matters considered by the Committee on the Taxation of Trading Profits whose Report (Cmd. 8189) was published in April last year. (Recommendation 4.) Recommendation 6 about local building byelaws was found to be based on a misunderstanding of the Regulations. Statistics of home and export sales are collected from individual manufacturers by the Board of Trade and figures of production are published periodically. (Recommendation 28.) Recommendation 29 (supply to the Government of regular information about profits and costs of production) has not been implemented, but agreement was reached with the Federation on the proposal, subject to consultation on form and method. The principal difficulties now facing the industry are a shortage of skilled workers, particularly decorators; increasing competition from other countries, particularly Japan and Germany; and some shortages of the industry's raw materials and of transport for them and for its finished products.