HC Deb 17 April 1951 vol 486 c160W
Mr. Ian Winterbottom

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he can now make a further statement about the incident in which Lord Russell was involved in Germany.

Mr. H. Morrison

The papers regarding this incident have been before the Lord Chancellor, who has himself seen Lord Russell of Liverpool and examined all the reports. The Lord Chancellor takes the view that it might be unfair to blame Lord Russell for the original traffic incident, but thinks that he made an error of judgment alike in the matter and manner of his communication with the Press. I have accepted the view the Lord Chancellor has formed of the case.

There is, of course, a risk that Lord Russell, in consequence of the publicity already given to the case, may find himself becoming a focus of political feeling in Germany, and it has been necessary to take account of this possibility. Lord Russell's appointment in Germany was, in any case, to end shortly, and in the circumstances I have agreed with the Lord Chancellor that it would be advisable if Lord Russell were to hand over to his successor at the end of this month and resume his duties in England.