HC Deb 27 March 1950 vol 473 cc1-2W
Mr. York

asked the Minister of Food if he will give a table showing the total, in tons, of animal feedingstuffs available to the agricultural industry during 1949; and an estimate of the total likely to be available in 1950, under the following headings: wheat, wheatenings and offals, barley, oats, maize, oil cakes and meals, other imported feedingstuffs and other home-grown feedingstuffs, stating, where appropriate, the amounts imported.

Mr. Webb

For the calendar year 1949 the quantities of rationed animal feeding-stuffs distributed in the United Kingdom were, in thousand long tons:

Rationed Feedingstuffs Imported Home grown or home produced Total
Wheat (unmillable) 29 20 49
Wheat offals 115 779* 894
Barley 467 422 889
Oats 117 142 259
Maize 755 755
Oilcakes and meals 398 656 1,054
Other feedingstuffs 318 280 598
TOTAL 2,199 2,229 4,498
*The proportion of home-grown wheat to the total quantity of wheat used in millers' grists was 30 per cent. in 1949.

These figures are directly comparable with and subject to the same qualifications as those for the years 1945–48 which were given to the hon. Member on 26th April, 1949. It is too early to say how much of each kind of feedingstuffs is likely to be available in 1950, but it is. hoped that the total of imported and home produced supplies together will be about 6 million tons.

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