§ VISCOUNT TEMPLEWOODasked what is the present establishment and strength of the Metropolitan Police, what 298WA was the establishment and strength in 1938, and what has been the recruitment arid wastage figures for each of the last six months.
§ LORD SHEPHERDOn Match 10, 1950, the Metropolitan Police establishment was 19,737 men and 338 women; the actual strength (excluding officers seconded or serving overseas) was 15,589 men and 270 women. On March 10, 1938, the establishment was 19,419 men and 142 women and the strength 18,772 men and 101 women.
The figures for recruitment and wastage in the last six months are:—
September, recruited. 54 men and 5 women; wastage 74 men and 6 women.
October, recruited 128 men and 12 women; wastage 108 men and 2 women.
November, recruited 137 men and 8 women; wastage 83 men and 5 women.
December, recruited 114 men and 6 women; wastage 91 men and 9 women.
January, recruited 140 men and 12 women; wastage 72 men and 3 women.
February, recruited 85 men and 6 women; wastage 80 men and 3 women.