HC Deb 26 October 1949 vol 468 cc144-6W
29. Mr. H. D. Hughes

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what is the present rate of taxation in Nigeria on mineral royalties and mineral exports respectively; what revenue the Nigerian Government received from this source in the last financial year; and what was the total value of royalties and exports in that year.

Mr. Creech Jones

In 1948–49, the Nigerian Government received a revenue of £222,722 from mineral royalties and of £3,780 from export duty on tin. The total value of royalties was £478,786 and of mineral exports £5,112,520. Following is the answer to the first part of the Question:


1. On tin ores and metallic tin when the value per ton of metallic tin—

Does not exceed £180, the royalty shall be 2 per cent. on the value.

Exceeds £180 but does not exceed £190 the royalty shall be 3 per cent. on the value.

Exceeds £190 but does not exceed £200 the royalty shall be 4 per cent. on the value.

Exceeds £200 but does not exceed £220 the royalty shall be 5 per cent. on the value.

Exceeds £220 but does not exceed £240 the royalty shall be 6 per cent. on the value.

Exceeds £240 but does not exceed £260 the royalty shall be 7 per cent. on the value.

Exceeds £260 but does not exceed £280 the royalty shall be 8 per cent. on the value.

Exceeds £280 but does not exceed £300 the royalty shall be 9 per cent. on the value.

Exceeds £300 the royalty shall be 10 per cent. on the value.

2. On lead ores or metallic lead containing on an average less than four ounces of silver per ton, 2 per cent. on the value. If containing more than four ounces per ton an additional 3 per cent. on the value of the silver.

3. On tungsten ore and columbian ore, when the value per unit: Does not exceed 35s. the royalty will be 1 per cent. of the value. Exceeds 35s. the royalty will be 1 per cent. of the value plus one-tenth per cent. for every shilling or fraction of a shilling by which the value exceeds 35s., but so that no royalty shall be payable at a higher rate than 5 per cent. on the value.

4.—(a) On gold, when the price per ounce of gold is:

Less than £5 the royalty will be 4 per cent. on the value.

£5 but less than £6 the royalty will be 5 per cent. on the value.

£6 but less than £7 the royalty will be 6 per cent. on the value.

£7 but less than £8 the royalty will be 8 per cent. on the value.

£8 or upwards the royalty will be 10 per cent. on the value

payable in the calendar month succeeding that in which the gold was recovered from the ore.

(b) On other precious metal 6 per cent. on its value.

5. On diamonds 10 per cent. of the value.

6. On lignite 1½d. a ton mixed.

7. On mica 5 per cent. of its value.

Export Duties.—Tin or tin ore: 7/8d. per ton.

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