HC Deb 16 November 1949 vol 469 c204W
18. Squadron-Leader Kinghorn

asked the Secretary of State for Air what is the shortage of accommodation for Royal Air Force personnel on the Royal Air Force stations in Southern Rhodesia; and what efforts are now being made to provide more quarters.

Mr. A. Henderson

There is no shortage of accommodation for single personnel at R.A.F. Stations in Southern Rhodesia but there is a deficiency of about 400 married quarters. Against this deficiency some 80 hirings have been taken and negotiations are now in progress with the Government of Southern Rhodesia under which it is expected that a building programme for 300 married quarters will be started in the next few weeks.

19. Squadron-Leader Kinghorn

asked the Secretary of State for Air if he will give an assurance that the Royal Air Force Group will not withdraw from Southern Rhodesia.

Mr. A. Henderson
