HC Deb 10 November 1949 vol 469 c133W
9. Mr. Willis

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether it is proposed to implement the recommendations concerning Yorkshire potash contained in paras. 212 and 213 of the report of the Mineral Development Committee and in its eighth main recommendation.

Mr. H. Wilson

I am satisfied with the progress of the exploratory work now going on in North Yorkshire, and I do not consider that any Government intervention on the lines suggested in the Report of the Mineral Development Committee is necessary at present. My right hon. Friend the Minister of Fuel and Power informed my hon. Friend on 25th July last, in reply to his Question, that the Government had decided to accept the recommendation of the Committee that certain minerals, including potash, should be brought into public ownership, and no special steps as regards potash seem to be required in advance of this general legislation.