HC Deb 21 June 1949 vol 466 c8W
68 and 69. Mr. J. Foster

asked the President of the Board of Trade (1) what amount of raw film stock was saved in 1948 by the cross-over system under which cinematograph exhibitors are prevented by the Cinematograph Film (Control) Order of 1943 from cancelling their subscription to newsreels;

(2) what was the total sum compulsorily subscribed in 1948 by cinematograph exhibitors, other than the Gaumont, Odeon and A.B.C. circuit exhibitors, to newsreels.

Mr. H. Wilson

The exhibitors affected by the cross-over system, which enables one copy of a newsreel to serve for two cinemas at once, could not have had separate copies for each of them without increasing the consumption of film stock in 1948 by about 20 million linear feet. No exhibitors are subscribing compulsorily to newsreels, except in the sense that one term of the contracts which all the subscribers accepted voluntarily in 1943, precludes them from cancelling their subscriptions during the continuance of the Cinematograph Film (Control) Order, 1943.