§ 82. Mr. J. Hyndasked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he will make a statement on the progress made in the restitution of property to the political parties in Germany and seek to expedite the procedure by enabling claims to be submitted direct to the Restitutions-Kammern as is done in the French zone with more satisfactory results.
§ Mr. MayhewRestitution is being dealt with in two ways. Straightforward claims to property which was in the hands of Nazi organisations at the end of the war are being dealt with by a special German Commission empowered to examine claims from politcal parties and certain other bodies and dispose of the property to successful claimants; it is proposed to extend the scope of this Commission to deal also with property in the possession of the Reich. On the other hand, claims to property which had passed into the hands of third parties at the end of the war present greater complications; it is the intention that they shall be dealt with under the more elaborate restitution machinery now being set up under the recent Restitution Law and arrangements are being made accordingly.