HC Deb 27 July 1949 vol 467 cc142-3W
83. Mr. Gammans

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty how much longer he expects H.M.S. "Amethyst" will be marooned on the Yangtse; how many men are on board; and how they are provisioned.

Mr. Dugdale

A safe conduct for H.M.S. "Amethyst" is still awaited. In the meantime I must, in the interest of the men on board, again ask the House not to press me for details. There are 73 officers and men in the ship. All are safe and well and their next of kin are being kept informed of their welfare. A further link with home has been forged by the B.B.C. who have very kindly provided facilities for special overseas broadcasts to the ship's company an alternate Sundays between 0815 and 0845 B.S.T. This is a special "Listeners Choice" programme, the choice of tunes being signalled by "Amethyst." These programmes can be picked up by listeners in this country and I give the wavelengths at the end of this answer.

A supply of emergency stores has recently been sent to the ship and it has been possible to obtain fresh provisions from local sources.

Following are the wavelengths:

The next broadcast takes place on Sunday, 31st July, and can be picked up on these wavelengths:

Metres Megacycles
13 21.47
16 17.81
19 15.18
25 11.70

Discharges from week ending 1st January, 1949, to week ending 9th July, 1949 (the latest date for which figures are available)
Dockyard Reason for Discharge
Death Age Request Absent Reduction Other Causes* Total
Portsmouth 54 165 300 33 66 77 695
Devonport 42 156 177 17 11 115 518
Chatham 28 95 194 9 3 86 415
Rosyth 9 26 187 10 6 54 292
Sheerness 8 29 68 3 1 18 127
Portland 1 2 10 1 10 24
Total 142 473 936 72 88 360 2,071
* Ill health, misconduct, casual labour taken on for a specified period, etc.

Mr. Gammans

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty to what extent he is proposing to make reductions in staff in the near future in the Royal Dockyards at home and at Malta.

Mr. W. Edwards

Apart from the discharge of 50 men over the age of 65 at Chatham, no considerable reduction in numbers at His Majesty's Dockyards at home is likely to be made in the near future. At Malta, between 1,200 and 1,300 employees will be discharged during the remainder of the current financial year.