HC Deb 20 July 1949 vol 467 c61W
10. Mr. Hurd

asked the Postmaster-General how many applicants in the Reading area have been waiting for two years or longer for a telephone line; if he is aware that businessmen living in the Loddon Bridge district have been informed that the local exchange is full to capacity and that the estimated date for the installation of additional equipment is April, 1952; and what action he is taking to hasten the provision of an adequate telephone service in the area.

Mr. Wilfred Paling

In the Reading area there are 484 applicants who have been waiting for telephone service for two years or more. Of these, five business and 10 other applicants are in the Loddon Bridge district. There is a serious shortage of equipment at the exchange serving this district, and I regret that at present it is only possible to meet applications essential in the national interest. In view of the restricted supplies of telephone switching equipment for home use, it will be some two years before we can provide relief for this predominantly residential neighbourhood.