HC Deb 08 February 1949 vol 461 cc26-8W
Viscount Hinchingbrooke

asked the Minister of Labour if he will give a list of the amounts of Purchase Taxes and Customs and Excise Duties which now enter into the items of the household budgets on which the official cost-of-living index is based.

Mr. Isaacs

Purchase Tax is chargeable on the wholesale value of certain of the items which are covered by the interim index of retail prices, but it is not practicable to state the amount of tax which is included in each of the actual retail prices quoted for such items. Moreover, many of the items on which Purchase Tax is payable carry very little weight in the calculation of the index, as will be seen from the description of the method of calculating the index published in Supplement No. 2 to the Industrial Relations Handbook. The general effect of the removal or reduction of the Purchase Tax would, therefore, have a relatively small effect on the index. It should also be noted that many of the taxes were in operation at the date from which the index started (June, 1947) and that it is only changes in the rate of tax since that date which affect the level of the index.

These qualifications should be borne in mind in relation to the following list of the amounts of Purchase Tax payable on the wholesale value of articles covered by the index.

Items Rate of Tax (Per cent, of wholesale value)
Cotton, woollen and rayon clothing materials (other than Utility goods and baby knitting wool) 66⅔
Articles of apparel for adults (other than Utility goods and sanitary towels) 33⅓
Women's Utility fully-fashioned stockings 33⅓
Children's Non-Utility gloves 33⅓
Adults' footwear (other than Utility goods) 33⅓
Household Goods and Toilet Articles
Metal kitchen cabinets 33⅓
Radio sets 33⅓
Pedal cycles 33⅓
Vacuum cleaners 33⅓
Domestic sewing machines 33⅓
Alarm clocks 33⅓
Table mangles 33⅓
Electric fires 100
Gas fires 66⅔
Linoleum, felt base, carpets and rugs 33⅓
Tea towels, and glass cloths (other than Utility goods) 66⅔
Enamel wash-up bowls 33⅓
Electric lamp bulbs 33⅓
Tennis rackets 33⅓
Gramophone records 66⅔
Toilet soap, tooth paste, razor blades 33⅓
Cold cream 100
Proprietary medicines 33⅓
Stationery 33⅓

Apart from Purchase Tax, the principal items included in the index which are subject to specific Customs or Excise Duties, and the approximate amounts of duty included in the retail prices, are as follow:

Items Amount of duty
s. d.
Tea 6 per lb.
Sugar 2¼ per lb.
Cocoa 1¼ per lb.
Beer of average strength 9 per pint
Whisky of usual strength 24 7 per bottle
Pipe tobacco—cheaper varieties 3 0 per ounce
Cigarettes—size sold at 1s. 9d. for ten 1 5 for ten
Matches—safety Nearly
¾ per box of 50
Petrol 9 per gallon

Various items in the index may also be affected, directly or indirectly, by other duties, such as those under the Import Duties Act, the Ottawa Agreements Act, the Key Industry duties, the duties on imported beef, on dried fruit and on silk, the Entertainments Duty and the Motor Vehicle duties. It is impracticable to give details of the incidence of these duties in respect of individual items.