HC Deb 15 December 1949 vol 470 c324W
138. Sir D. Robertson

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the number and acreage of schemes he has embarked upon for the recovery of lost agricultural land, at State expense, which were having his consideration prior to 30th June.

Mr. Woodbum

Two schemes for the reclamation of some 750 acres of land by the exercise of powers under Section 57 of the Agriculture (Scotland) Act, 1948, were before me on 30th June. One has since been abandoned following an adverse report by the Scottish Land Court. It is hoped that the other will provide facilities for the West of Scotland Agricultural College to carry out experimental work. In making my statement in the Debate on 30th June I had primarily in mind the desirability of extending the scope of land reclamation generally and as a first step Agricultural Committees throughout Scotland have been invited to let me know of any land in their areas which might be suitable for the purpose. They are now examining the problem but no proposals have yet been submitted to me.